Tuesday, November 20, 2007

ANDRILL Open House

I took this photo of the Ross Island cable TV channel that posts activities in McMurdo. As you can see, all the folks involved with ANDRILL hosted an Open House for the greater community to attend. It was a really great event. As one of my fellow ARISERS said, people appreciated the enthusiasm the scientists had for their particular area of expertise.

We teachers staffed the meet-and-great area of the open house where we shared activities that can, or are used in schools with students. Most of the activities we used were developed by LuAnn Dahlman, an ARISE teacher from last year as part of her Flexhibit. Thanks LuAnn

In the photo to the right, you can see some special people using the core drilling model Joanna and I put together to demonstrate the actual drilling process. The gentleman on the left is Dr. Peter Webb. He first started coming to Antarctica as a geology student mapping the area know as Wright Valley (I hope to be taking a field trip out there in the next couple of weeks) and has been a leader in geology research here ever since. You can learn more about him, his early adventures and the science he is still doing by viewing Megan Berg's latest video (video #3) at www.andrill.org/iceberg. The woman interviewing him is Moira Rankin who produces stories for Sound Print Media. Her stories are picked up by some NPR stations. Her sound technician is Jarred.

Once a group of ten or so guests had assembled, ANDRILL scientists and staff led visitors on tours of the labs to see all the work that is being done as part of this very complex project. In this photo, Dr. David Harwood is getting a group together for a tour. We had some great feedback from some of the 150 or so guests that it was a tremendous afternoon. I wish everyone I know could have stopped in too.

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