Monday, November 5, 2007

I got mail!

On Saturday, I got an email telling me that I had mail to pick up! Very exciting since our package mail is held up in New Zealand and boxes sent from the states in August and September still haven't arrived. Only a bit of flat mail is coming through at this point. I just heard that there is 17,000 lbs of package mail cargo in Christchurch on many pallets waiting to come to McMurdo. I hope the packages come before I leave or I'll just be filling out a change of address form to return them all to Anchorage!

It turned out to be two envelopes, one from Mears Middle School with question postcards embellished with fabulous Antarctic technical drawings, and one from the science department with a great reference book on geology for me! Mrs. Gates from Mears also sent some recent Alaskan newspapers with stories about muskox and mushers to keep me connected with Alaska while I'm so far away. Everyone here is loving the drawings and is very impressed. Here is a sample of the work on the 120 postcards. Oops, I let my bird bias run away with me. There were technical drawing of other things, too. Let me try again! :)

One envelope was sent on the 17th of Oct and the other on the 24th, I got them on the 2nd of November (Alaska date - 1st of November) so it is taking around two to three weeks for flat mail to get here.

What is the best thing you ever received in the mail?

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